How your color choice can affect people

I have always been interested in colors and how they affect people. This is especially important when assigning corporate colors, or picking a color theme for a website or app. I found this interesting article from the California Department of Education that was based on findings about colors and how they affect learning.

See full article here
Here is the abbreviated findings regarding color and color therapy

  • Color overlay: 80% of dyslexic children had increased reading comprehension when a blue or gray overlay was placed on the page.
  • Shades of blue can actually slow down one’s heart rate; hence “cardiac blue” is often used in hospitals.
  • Shades of red can actually increase one’s heart rate, and too much red can be downright distracting.
  • The use of black and white as a color scheme may lower IQ or make children more “dull”.
  • The careful use of bold colors such as red or orange may increase IQ by as much as 12 points.
  • In general, cool hues such as blue, are relaxing. Blue windows and walls were often used to help soothe mental patients who are delirious.
  • Green is often associated with fertility, including “fertile thinking,” as in creativity.
  • Children start out liking yellow as infants but seem to grow less and less fond of it as they mature.
  • The international “ranking of color preference” is blue, red, green, violet, orange, yellow.
  • Though the international color ranking holds true (almost) across cultures, a few ethnic groups placed red or orange closer to the front, probably in response to ancient customs or practices involving color.
  • Color and light have medical, therapeutic implications, hence the use of phototherapy units of blue lights to treat newborns with jaundice, or the use of white light to treat patients with depression because of “winter blues”.
  • Small children have a natural preference for ‘luminous’ colors such as red, orange, yellow and pink.”
  • Brown, black and gray are seldom chosen by children, except to outline. Excessive use of these colors has become an indicator of fear or defiance in their emotional lives.
  • Bold colors, such as orange, red and shades of lemony yellow demand attention.
  • Research shows that an occasional bold stroke of red or orange attracts the learner’s attention to details.
  • One thought on “How your color choice can affect people

    1. I typed in for the heck of it while drinking my morning coffee. Of course, came across someone brilliant. ;o) I’m a teacher, appreciate the tip about the gray/blue overlay for kids with dyslexia. Very interesting!

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